Friday, August 13, 2010

American Woman

American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity is about to close (through Aug. 15) at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, but you can read about the exhibit and watch a video at their site,

Joe attended David Jackson's talk on Kansas City Chronicles: An Up-to-Date History at the National Archives of Kansas City last night. It was a wonderful talk to a full house. The book's a great read, including his article on Harzfeld's, paired with a vintage window display photo from the collection of the Jackson County Historical Society!

Our friend Rusty gave us this wonderful box from Harzfeld's. The logo, a variation with open letter kerning, dates from the late '40s/'50s.

Steve Sitton of the Thomas Hart Benton Home Historic Site recently shared this article from the Joplin Globe on a lost 1972 film interview of the artist by the late KODE-TV newsman Bob Phillips. We hope to see the footage someday.

Congratulations to Kansas City Artist, Peregrine Honig, for coming in second on Bravo TV's Work of Art. She's an amazing creative talent.

Today's Links

American Pickers was just realeased on DVD, and it looks like you can watch episodes online. We just watched the first season; great fun!

History Detectives